
有效期: 2019-04-27

数量(套) 面议
  • 供货总量: 电议
  • 最小起订: 1套
  • 发货地址: 江苏昆山市
  • 付款方式: 面议
  • 发布日期:2018-04-27
  • 访问量:265
品牌 玖德隆 规格型号 JD-75B
编号 齐全 计量单位 1套
付款方式 面议 参考价格
价格单位 人民币 供货量 不限
说明书,报价手册及驱动 暂无相关下载 其他资料下载 暂无相关下载
产地 江苏昆山市 发货地 江苏昆山市





  1. 原材料干燥      


  2. 设备      


  3. 挤出机机筒与机头温度      


  4. 冷却条件的控制      


    China is the largest consumer of ABS resin in the world. Since the 1980s, the consumption of ABS resin in China has been increasing rapidly. In recent years, the consumption of ABS has exceeded 1.2 million tons.Industry experts estimate that the application of ABS products will be further expanded in the future, and its market demand potential is huge.

    ABS resin extrusion molding process

  1. Drying of raw materials

         ABS resin has certain moisture absorption, water content is generally within the range of 0.3% ~ 0.8%.Before processing, it needs to be dried, and the ABS resin is generally kept in a temperature of 80 ~ 85 to about 4h.After drying, the moisture content should be less than 0.2%.If the drying is not enough, the surface of the product will have a ripple, water pattern or bubbling phenomenon.If the drying time is too long or the drying temperature is too high, it will cause the resin caking and the product yellowing.

  2. Equipment

    Using single screw extruder, the length diameter ratio (LID) of screw is 18 ~ 22, and the compression ratio is 2.5 ~ 3.Extruder hopper can be equipped with dry preheating device, and the cylinder can adopt exhaust structure.


  3. Temperature of the barrel and head of extruder

       Normal extrusion temperature: the temperature of the cylinder is 160 ~ 180, and the head temperature is 175 ~ 185.When the temperature is high, the melt flow is good, but the extrusion fluctuation is too large and unstable to ensure the quality of extrusion products.Connector temperature generally lower than the screw head of homogenization temperature of 5 ℃.

  4. Control of cooling conditions

       In order to get the ideal product, the mold extruded bbbb must be cooled by a timely, reasonable cooling bbbbbb and proper cooling water temperature.The cooling water temperature in ABS extrusion process is ideal in 14 ~ 18 degrees, and the effective water pressure should be greater than 0.2mpa.


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